Monday 30 January 2012

Jesus at His best

Yesterday night, while I was trying to sleep, it was 3:30AM and it was pouring rain.
I currently sleep in the living room, still waiting for my room to be done.
SUDDENLY, I heard a door open, and it sounded like my Parent's bedroom's door, but I looked up to see if anyone opened the door, no one was there. After 5 minutes, the same sound again, and this time, there was footsteps...
The sound was getting closer and closer to where I was sleeping and it was TERRIFYING!! I was hiding underneath my blanket with my stuffed animal, Patrick, and I heard the footsteps getting softer as if it went back to my Parent's room, then I looked up again, and still NOTHING!!
The same sound repeated for at least 15 minutes, getting closer to me and going back to my parent's door.
As it got closer to me for the last 5 minutes, I sent a prayer to Jesus to Protect and shield me from harm and evil spirits. I said in my heart:"get out of this house RIGHT NOW, in Jesus Name, Amen" I repeated myself for 5 minutes and after that, the footsteps stopped and honestly, it might not be to you, but to me, That was what I called Jesus at His best, performing miracles and protecting me.
When I prayed, I felt so calm, my heart went from beating rapidly to slowing down. I felt at ease that nothing would harm me as long as I had Jesus by my side and in my heart.
Thank You Jesus, I Love You :) Ever since my first day at church when I was 8 and always will :)

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